Aazad Law Associates is the sole law firm in Lahore Pakistan which deals in Hindu court marriage in Lahore Pakistan. Many of our clients from Hindu community contacts us especially from Balochistan province to get our services of Hindu court marriage in Pakistan as they are very happy today. Many of the lawyers in Lahore Pakistan have no idea what exactly is the law regarding Hindu marriage in Lahore Pakistan and more over not much have been written on it and even the provincial assemblies and the Federal assemblies of Pakistan have even not have done much satisfactory legislation on this topic so things are not much clear and even majority of the lawyers are also not aware regarding the Hindu court marriage in Pakistan. Aazad Law Associates provides services in Lahore Pakistan and makes the procedure of Hindu court marriage in Pakistan easy for Hindu community. The Hindu court marriage in Lahore & all over the world is called Vivah Shankar and the Hindu marriage is only performed as per the rites and rituals of their religion. Second marriage in Hinduism is prohibited and in fact if a Hindu male or Female is already married they cannot get married again. The age limit for Hindu court marriage is 21 years for Hindu male and 18 years for Hindu female. A Hindu cannot even marry with the person of some other religion and a court marriage of a Hindu with a Muslim or Christian or with a person of some other religion is Invalid. However in Pakistan a Hindu can marry with a Hindu of same Gotra or Parvana and marriage can also be done between the Hindus who belongs to different sub division or same caste by virtue of Hindu marriage disability act 1946. Our law firm in Lahore can conduct your Hindu court marriage in Lahore Pakistan and follow your Hindu court marriage procedure in Pakistan.
In Hindu court marriage procedure in Pakistan the couple appears before a magistrate through a lawyer appointed by them. The lawyer in Pakistan files the case on behalf of Hindu couple and argue the case in the favor of the couple and get it disposed which saves them from criminal litigation in the future and safeguards their rights as husband and wife and court provides protection to this couple from the people who are not happy with this marriage. Aazad Law Associates through the procedure of Hindu court marriage in Pakistan have helped hundreds of Hindu couples throughout Pakistan and provided them the best court marriage services. Court marriage between the different castes of Hindus are now legally valid and legal protection and cover has been provided by the law to them. Previously no marriage certificate were given to the Hindu married couples which was a great problem for them especially for the people who wanted to go abroad because to go abroad the embassy of different countries requires a valid marriage certificate issued by Government but now recently the Government had taken strict action on it and now marriage certificate in Pakistan from Nadra are also issued to the couples of Hindu community which have provided great relief to the Hindu community. Hindu community can Feel free to contact Advocate Muhammad Ali Naeem Azad to avail services of Hindu court marriage in Lahore Pakistan or take information about Hindu court marriage procedure in Pakistan. Our law firm can conduct your Hindu court marriage in Lahore Pakistan as we are the best in the services of Hindu court marriage procedure in Pakistan and we can conduct the procedure of Hindu court marriage in Pakistan